Exercise is critical in helping you burn excess calories and maintain a fit physique. But you need to exert a lot of strength and energy through your body to get you through a regular workout routine.

You may not realize this, but your muscles keep utilizing their glycogen stores to provide you with the necessary drive to continue with your exercise. This results in the loss of considerable protein from your muscles.

This is why you usually end up feeling sore all over your body post-workout – not to mention completely exhausted.

To accelerate your body recovery time, you will have to consume the right kind of food to provide you with the fuel you need to rebuild your glycogen stores and your muscle proteins. This in turn enhances your body recovery process.

Here is a list of ideal recovery foods that you can add to your post-workout meal for a faster recovery and improved strength.


Post Nutrition Workout - Blueberries

While a protein shake can assist you in regaining your energy, it is not sufficient in providing the necessary nutrition required by your muscles after having lost a significant amount of proteins.

It is highly recommended you add blueberries to your protein shake or eat a big handful of them separately. Blueberries contain antioxidants which prevent additional damage to your muscles after exercise and provide you with the momentum to recover.

This is all according to the reports by the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

 Tart Cherries

Post Nutrition Workout - Tart Cherries

A heavy lifting can create substantial amount of strain in your body which could lead to potential inflammation. You can get reduce that stress by downing a glass of cold tart cherry juice which is abundant in antioxidants.

The Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports in its 2009 study observed that the 20 runners in the London Marathon observed to drink tart cherry juice twice per day were most likely to recover their strength and experience less muscle soreness.



Post Nutrition Workout - Salman

Salmon contains a good amount of fish oil (omega-3 fatty acids). Within these fatty acids are the eicosapentaenonic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

These acids increase the activity of eicosanoids which are strongly anti-inflammatory and also reduce the effects of inflammatory cykotines which negatively alter the human immune system. This research supports the fact that taking Omega 3 for muscle building will increase your recovery time after working out.


Post Nutrition Workout - Bread

Bread is a fast digestion carb which is broken down and either utilized for immediate energy, or deposited as your body’s glycogen stores.

Consuming bread or any other starch will drive your immune system’s enhancement and re-energize your glycogen stores. It is best to make a meal of them after 10-15 minutes after your workout. Nutritionist Nancy Clark, MS, RD has noted that:

“Bread’s main function is as a source of carbohydrates for fuel”

Leafy Greens

Post Nutrition Workout - Leafy Greens

This could include spinach, peas and broccoli depending on your taste. A workout usually leaves your muscles weakened and vulnerable to cramps. This is due to the lack of potassium in your system which is lost through excessive sweating during the workout as confirmed by MayoClinic.

These green food are rich in potassium and can replace the ones lost from your body, thereby minimizing the chances of damage to your muscles. Dr. Martha Reid has this to say regarding green leafy vegetables:

“They are a rich source of minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium; and a great source of vitamins such as K, C, E and many of the B’s.”

 In Conclusion

Consuming the right food to stimulate muscle recovery is as significant as taking a much needed rest to allow your muscles to recover after a workout. By eating right post-workout, you can up your workout game over time with improved strength and resilience.