Acne has been considered the stuff of nightmares for many people especially women when it forms bumps on the face, neck or back. They usually occur during hormonal changes in the growing bodies of teenagers including puberty.
It normally goes away without treatment as it is not particularly harmful. But they do give off an unflattering appearance. This causes more stress and lowering of self-esteem. Anti-acne medications are recommended in removing the skin condition but so is a specific diet in helping with the removal process.
Here are the following food types most essential in removing acne bumps from your skin.
Carrots serve as ideal candidates for its low-glycemic dietary. This is because of the low sugar it contains which is essential in accelerating the removal of acne. Researchers in South Korea determined that those who followed a low-glycemic diet were more likely to improve their skin condition from acne within a span of ten weeks.
The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology confirmed that by following a low-glycemic diet, men not only lose their acne but also lose considerable weight in a span of 12 weeks.
Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds are a favourite source of food intake that is rich in zinc which has been studied to be useful in combating acne. The BioMed Research International Journal studied how zinc in the bloodstream and acne were related. They found that zinc as a mineral was influential in regulating hormone levels and skin development.
They also found that zinc was at its most effective when dealing with extreme cases of acne. The researchers recommended people diagnosed with such cases to increase their zinc intake to 40 mg per day.
Broccoli remains popular for diet involving skin care in general. This is because their high levels of Vitamin A and E which according to the Journal of Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology is related to extreme acne cases. With more intake of Broccoli you can increase your Vitamin A and Vitamin E intake as well thus decreasing acne levels on your skin.
You can consumer Broccoli raw or cooked depending on your taste. Other green food like spinach are also suitable.
Fish is commonly eaten for the amount of Omega-3 fatty acids it contains. This can be found in sardines, salmon or anchovies. However they are also known to contain significant antioxidants that act as a resistant to harmful toxins in the body. Studies have shown that with enough fish intake, the combination of omega-3s and antioxidants can decrease acne growth.
The Lipids in Health and Disease concluded that those who consumed omega-3 and antioxidants altogether were not only able to increase their acne removal but also stabilised their mental state. This proves favourable for people who suffer from emotional distress in extreme acne cases.
In Conclusion
While maintaining the food intake is relevant. It is also important that you take certain steps in taking care of your skin. Dr. Michon has noted that
“The more often you touch a specific area of your face, the more likely you are to expose the area to bacteria and oils. This is especially problematic if you eat greasy foods often and touch your ear or chin without washing your hands thoroughly after eating”.