An unbalanced diet can expose you to many health risks which include chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes. Even life-threatening diseases like cancer become a possibility in your future if you do not sustain a healthy diet.

It has already been scientifically proven that your food intake influences cancer development significantly. It has also been confirmed that there are certain foods available which contain the resistance characteristics to halt the growth of cancer cells.

This means, by eating the right foods, you lower the chances of the disease ever taking hold of your health. We will delve into the list of foods that you could add to your daily diet to prevent future risks.

According to famed nutritional biochemist T. Colin Campbell,

“It’s never too late to start eating well. A good diet can reverse many of those conditions as well. In short: change the way you eat and you can transform your health for the better.”



Broccoli has been strongly recommended by doctors for preventing cancer and other chronic diseases. It contains a compound called sulforaphane that possesses heavy anticancer qualities.

Studies have shown that sulforaphane had sizably reduced the figures of breast cancer cells. Similar studies have found that after enough sulforaphane consumption, the prostate cancer cells found among mice were eliminated and their tumors reduced by over 50%.

This is why the addition of broccoli to your regular food intake is extremely beneficial.



Carrots have been linked by many scientific research to be associated with diminishing the risk of specific types of cancer.

These types include stomach cancer where five studies were observed to conclude that carrots in fact decreased the risk of stomach cancer by 26%. One of these studies also found that the more you ingest carrots the more you can reduce the chances of prostate cancer, which in this study was reduced about 18%.  It is wise to add carrots in your daily diet as a snack to ensure your own health safety.



Cinnamon is famed by scientific experts for its prevention benefits and that includes lowering the levels of blood sugar in the body along with anti-inflammation. Most of the experiments that have taken place involved animal specimens, however their effects have also been observed by the scientific community.

As evidenced from extensive research, cinnamon subdued the growth of head and neck cancer cells and even went as far as decreasing size of tumors. It is recommended that you take about at least a half or one teaspoon of cinnamon in your diet every day to lower your cancer risks.

Olive Oil


It should come as no surprise that olive oil is also associated with cancer prevention, as the oil is rich with health benefits. Many studies have been undertaken to prove that a higher intake of olive oil provides much needed protection from the risk of cancer. One of these examples was the analysis of the cancer rates in 28 countries which concluded that the regions that consumed the most olive oil had lower rates of colorectal cancer.



Being affluent in anthocyanins, which has antioxidant qualities which have been known to be linked to decreasing the risk of cancer. A study found that 25 people with colorectal cancer after ingesting bilberries, had lowered the growth of their cancer cells at 7% in about seven days. Based on that study alone, it would suffice for you to pop a few berries in your oats or fruit salad and help fight cancer risk effectively.

With the incorporation of these humble yet powerful foods in your everyday diet, your body will be better equipped to keep cancer at bay.